Submitting breach reports via the ASIC Regulatory Portal
Effective 30 March 2020, Australian financial services licensees have been required to submit breach reports to ASIC via the ASIC Regulatory Portal.
The email address ( previously used to lodge breach reports will be closed from 29 May 2020; and any emails sent to that email address will not be received.
Any ‘breach’ notifications relating to a Credit Licence can now be sent to ASIC via a new email address:
To lodge an update to ASIC of any changes or progression of a previously submitted breach, licensees must use the Regulatory Portal.
Although the breach update form will ask for a ‘reference’ number from a previously submitted breach, licensees are still able to progress without a reference number by entering the date the licensee submitted the initial breach.
The ASIC Regulatory Portal help page has resources about using the portal. These include step-by-step user guides, FAQs and instructional videos on topics like registering an account and inviting trusted representatives to act on a licensee’s behalf.
© Australian Securities & Investments Commission. Reproduced with permission.