Review into Dispute Resolution and Complaints Framework – Supplementary Issues Paper
On 2 February 2017 the Government amended the Terms of Reference of the review of the external dispute resolution and complaints framework to require the Panel to:
- make recommendations on the establishment, merits and potential design of a compensation scheme of last resort; and
- consider the merits and issues involved in providing access to redress for past disputes.
This Supplementary Issues Paper continues the Panel’s examination of the EDR framework by seeking the views of interested parties on the issues contained in the amended Terms of Reference.
The Panel looks forward to receiving submissions on matters related to a compensation scheme of last resort and access to redress for past disputes as outlined in the Issues Paper by 28 June 2017 to assist the Panel’s work in preparing a Supplementary Final Report to the Government during the second half of 2017.
Earlier work of the Panel on the dispute resolution and complaints framework including additional consultation in relation to the Government’s response to establish the Australian Financial Complaints Authority is available on the Treasury website.
For more information (click here).
Source: The Commonwealth of Australia