Corporate Collective Investment Vehicles – Regulatory and Tax Frameworks
The Government has released for public consultation legislation that implements the tax and regulatory components of the CCIV (corporate collective investment vehicle) regime and related explanatory materials.
A CCIV is an investment vehicle with a corporate structure similar to comparable vehicles overseas. A single CCIV can offer multiple products and investment strategies within the same vehicle.
The proposed new law includes:
- the new Chapter 8B in the Corporations Act 2001 containing the core provisions outlining the establishment of CCIVs and their operational and regulatory requirements;
- amendments to other legislation to support the implementation of CCIVs (such as amendments to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 and the Personal Property Securities Act 2009); and
- the tax legislation, which ensures the tax treatment of CCIVs aligns with the existing treatment of attribution managed investment trusts, providing investors with the benefits of flow-through taxation.
Interested parties are invited to comment on this consultation. You can submit responses to this consultation up until 24 September 2021.
For information on how to respond and to view related key documents, please access the Government webpage.
And view the submission guidelines for further information.
Source: The Commonwealth of Australia