Buy now pay later providers to hold Australian credit licences from 2025
If you engage in credit activities, you will generally be required…
Funds management director ban affirmed on competence grounds
The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) has affirmed ASIC’s…
A GUIDE TO PUBLIC INVESTMENT FUNDS: Tax Treatment of Public Investment Funds in Australia
This is the final article in CNM Legal’s four-part series: A Guide to Public Investment Funds. The series provides an overview of registration, regulation, marketing and tax treatment of public investment funds in Australia. This article will discuss the topic of the tax treatment of public investment funds in Australia, focusing on the types of entities that can be public trusts and the tax treatment of those entities.
A GUIDE TO PUBLIC INVESTMENT FUNDS: Marketing of Public Investment Funds in Australia
This is the third article in CNM Legal’s four-part series: A Guide to Public Investment Funds. The series provides an overview of registration, regulation, marketing and tax treatment of public investment funds in Australia. This article will discuss the marketing of public investment funds in Australia, focusing on the applicable regulatory frameworks, licensing requirements for marketing activities and the regulatory restrictions and requirements.
A GUIDE TO PUBLIC INVESTMENT FUNDS: Regulatory Framework for Public Investment Funds in Australia
This is the second article in CNM Legal’s four-part series: A Guide to Public Investment Funds. The series provides an overview of registration, regulation, marketing and tax treatment of public investment funds in Australia. This article will discuss the regulatory framework for public investment funds in Australia, focusing on the main areas of regulation, the registration process and additional regulatory restrictions and requirements.
A GUIDE TO PUBLIC INVESTMENT FUNDS: Registration of Public Investment Funds in Australia
This is the first article in CNM Legal’s four-part series: A Guide to Public Investment Funds. The series provides an overview of registration, regulation, marketing and tax treatment of public investment funds in Australia. This article will discuss the topic of the registration of public investment funds in Australia, focusing on the requirements involved, the registration process, possible consequences and whether foreign funds can be registered in Australia.
Your AFS Licensee Obligations: What You Need to Know
Unfortunately, the hard work does not stop after you complete…
Varying or Cancelling your AFSL
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ASIC’s ‘use-it-or-lose-it’ AFSL cancellation powers not confined to ‘warehousing’
Do you need an AFS Licence? Answering the Complex Questions
AFSL requirements are complex, and requirements and authorisations…