Accountants limited AFS licence

Accountants limited AFS licence

As part of the Future of Financial Advice (FOFA) reforms, the exemption in the Corporations Regulations 2001 (Cth) which allows accountants to give advice about self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) without holding an Australian financial services (AFS) licence will be repealed on 1 July 2016. This means that accountants who wish to continue giving advice to their clients about SMSFs will need to obtain an AFS licence.

To facilitate accountants moving to the AFS licensing regime, the Federal Government has created a new form of AFS licence referred to as a ‘limited’ AFS licence.

If you are considering applying for a ‘limited’ AFS licence or are not sure about whether you might qualify for a full AFS licence, then we can assist you by:

Accountants limited AFS licence

Accountants limited AFS licence

As part of the Future of Financial Advice (FOFA) reforms, the exemption in the Corporations Regulations 2001 (Cth) which allows accountants to give advice about self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) without holding an Australian financial services (AFS) licence will be repealed on 1 July 2016.
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CFD and other OTC derivative providers

CFD and other OTC derivative providers

Contracts for difference and other over-the-counter (OTC) derivative products such as binary options generally require the operator to hold an AFS licence with an authorisation to make a market.
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Corporate advisors and independent experts

Corporate advisors and independent experts

There are some exemptions under the Corporations Act which provide licensing relief for certain aspects of corporate advisory work.
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Financial planners, investment advisors and brokers

Financial planners, investment advisors and brokers

Financial product advice includes a recommendation or opinion that can reasonably be regarded as being intended to influence a person’s decision to buy, sell or hold a particular financial product
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Insurers and insurance brokers

Insurers and insurance brokers

Insurance intermediaries and insurers provide opinions and recommendations about the insurance products in which they deal and are therefore required to hold an AFS licence or be an authorised representative of a licensee.
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Managed discretionary accounts (MDAs) or separately managed accounts (SMAs)

Managed discretionary accounts (MDAs) or separately managed accounts (SMAs)

Generally, MDA services are arrangements that involve a person (an MDA operator) managing a portfolio of assets for a retail client on an individual basis.
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Responsible entities, wholesale trustees and investment managers

Responsible entities, wholesale trustees and investment managers

If you want to operate a managed investment scheme, then you will generally need to hold an AFS licence.
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Carbon Credits

Carbon Credits

If you wish to operate a business that participates in carbon markets, i.e. buying, selling and trading Australian carbon credit units (ACCUs) and safeguard mechanism credit units (SMCs).
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